5v2 Game in Two Squares - Transition

This small sided soccer game focuses on developing possession, speed of play, cooperation and combinations in over-numbering situation.
The possession game also emphasizes game specific endurance, verbal and non-verbal communication between the players and transition.

Published: 03.11.2020.
Last updated: 02.11.2021.
Category: Soccer Drills - Small Sided Soccer Games
Hits: 2858
Age Age: 12 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 3
Space Space: Reduced
Keeper Keeper: 0
Players Players: 8 - 16
Individual + Team Team


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Cones are used to mark two playing areas next to each other and two zones for the wide players (these roles are changed periodically or after repetition). Distances must be created adequately to the given age-group, the players' abilities and technical level.
Six ball possessors (attackers) and two defenders are identified with different colors. They are located in determined way in the two squares, five attackers and two defenders are in one square and a plus attacker is in the other one, as shown. 
By this means 5v2 situations are created in the playing areas.
Of course, they can also be resting players, as defenders or attackers.
2-2 small goals are also placed about 6-8 meters far from the sidelines of the playing area, as shown.

Description and Graphics

The players practice the width-depth play and the supporting movements.
Five attackers possess the ball against two defenders, they combine with each other by accurate passes. 
Two wingers move in the side zones, two players are on the lines between the cones and one player is positioning himself continuously among the defenders inside the square. The ball possessors play with 2 touches and after accurate combinations they try to hit the target player in the other side by a deep pass. When they manage it, the two wingers run to the other square inside their zones, the defenders also move into the square to defend, the player from the central line steps into the square to play inside, and his teammate, who plays in the first square replaces him. Then the 5v2 game continues the same way here and a target player is positioning on the line of the other square.

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Set up

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