Conditional Rondo
This competitive rondo focuses on conditioning, agility, speed endurance, possession, quick decision making and one touch passing.
Two teams are in competition. One team is in defending and one is in possession. They change their roles in turns.
The optimal number of players is from 4 up to 8 within the teams.
The playing area should be relevant to the number of players in possession and to the groups' abilities and skills. The area should be a square from 5x5 to 8x8 meters.
5 poles are placed between the area and the defenders' starting position in a zig-zag way as shown. Dimensions are also considered, ideally the poles are 3-6 meters apart. There can be bigger distances if we train an adult group.
Description and Graphics
Players in possession try to outplay the defenders as long as they reach the determined number of passes (from 6 up to 12).
Defenders goal is to prevent the required number of passes of the attackers.
Rule is simple, team wins with more goals.