Defending Roles - Anticipation - Counter Pressing

This tactical small sided game focuses on defending anticipation and developing the ability of reading the game.
The exercise also emphasizes the counter pressing after losing the ball.

Published: 14.03.2018.
Last updated: 12.09.2018.
Category: Soccer Drills - Small Sided Soccer Games
Hits: 2296
Age Age: 14 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Reduced
Keeper Keeper: 0
Players Players: 5 - 10
Individual + Team Team


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Players work in a group of five. There are three attackers and two defenders.
We can change the attackers' positions after every completed exercise. The role of the defenders and the attackers can be changed periodically.
Cones are used to mark the playing area which contains three zones. 
Three small goals are also placed as shown. 
Set up two other goals on the sidelines of 'zone C' by using big cones. 
The size of the area and the distances should be created according to the given age group.

Description and Graphics

The exercise starts by the combination of Attacker 'A' and 'B' in Zone 'A'. They try to outplay the defender 'A' and create a clear deep passing opportunity to either of the two small goals. Defender 'B' tries to read and close these passing channels by moving on his own area (B). The attackers can also play their team mate (Player C) by a long ball in Zone 'C'. Defender 'B' has to defend against the long balls, so he tries to intercept the lobbed ball, or attack Player 'C'. Attacker 'C' has to receive the long ball accurately, then he tries to dribble out one of the two goals in Zone 'C'.
The progression must be started by a pass.
Note that the action can be very short, the attackers can pass the ball into the goals quickly. In this case you can restart the exercise by passing a new ball to one of the attackers.

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