Dynamic 3v3 Game
This small sided soccer game focuses on developing speed endurance, reaction and playing out the defence in over numbered situation in front of the goal.
The exercise also helps practice quick attacking skills, transition and defending in outnumbered situation.

Two teams of three compete in this activity.
2 small goals are located on both base lines and 3 balls are placed in the small areas on the sidelines as shown.
The size of the playing field is adequate to the given age-group.
Balls outside: Minimum of 2 balls up to 4 ones on both sides.
Description and Graphics
Teams attack alternately while they have balls outside the area. The players have to switch, since the game continues without an interruption when the ball is gained by the defending unit.
The load and the intensity can be varied with the number of balls outside. Ideally we should start this exercise with 2 balls on both sides and one in the middle at the start. That means the teams will play at least 5 situations.
The load can be also affected by giving restrictions to the attacking team with the number of touches on ball, or maximizing the number of passes before trying to score.

Coaching points

Set up


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