Scoring Goals From Ball Possession

This soccer game focuses on developing keeping possession, endurance and scoring goals after combination play.

Published: 17.04.2019.
Last updated: 31.03.2020.
Category: Soccer Drills - Small Sided Soccer Games
Hits: 2251
Age Age: 12 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 3
Space Space: Quarter
Keeper Keeper: 2
Players Players: 1
Individual + Team Team


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Set up a zone in the middle for the possession play. The extensions of this area is 16-22 x 20-26 meters according to the number of players and their abilities.
Set up two zones next to the middle zone with depth between 8 and 16 meters, as shown. 
Ideally the players are split into three teams of four. They are identified with different colors.
Two teams are located with a ball in the middle, the third one is outside the area, since its players acts as wall players. One-one wall players hold a ball on both sides, as shown.
Two goals are placed with two goalkeepers.
The balls are placed into both nets. The goalkeepers restart the activity when a goal is scored or the ball is out from the area.
At the end of the game (60-90 sec.) teams switch roles.

Description and Graphics

The teams in the middle try to keep the ball against each other with the help of the wall players. The walls have special roles, since the players without ball help the team in possession by moving on the line continuously, the wall players with balls control the game to be able to pass their ball when it's needed.  When the free wall player outside gets the ball from the middle, his same sided mate plays the other ball to one player of the team in possession. 
If the team loses the ball, the roles are automatically switched and they try to win the ball back.
Both teams can use the help of the wall players. 

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Coaching points

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Set up

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