Shooting Game
This small sided soccer drill focuses on developing game specific endurance, creating shooting opportunities and shooting and finishing skills.
Sticks are placed to mark the playing area as shown. Two teams of four are identified with different colours and two goalkeepers are also involved in this game.
The area is split into three zones as shown: A, B and C. Balls are placed to the goals or next to the coach.
Teams change their roles continuously.
Description and Graphics
The game starts by the coach playing the ball to the attacking team. The exercise can be also started from the goals by the goalkeepers.
When the attacking team get the ball the defending team must sprint and turn around the sticks. Two defenders turn around the closer sticks and have to act in Zone B, the other two defenders turn around the farther sticks and have to act and defend in Zone A or C according to the attacking direction. A
The attacking team have to perform at least three passes and all the players have to touch the ball before they can shoot on goal or attack. In the middle zone (B) the attacking team get a 4v2 overnumbered situation so they can create their shooting opportunities. Goals scored from Zone B are double. Attackers have the opportunity to go inside the attacking Zone (A or C) according to the given attacking direction and create a shooting chance against the other two defenders. Goals scored from the endzone worth one point.
When the attacking team have finished their action or defenders have intercepted the ball players walk back to Zone B and the game is restarted after a resting period by changing the roles of the teams.
Defenders work in pairs and they have to change their running path periodically after every repeated exercise.
Attackers can act in all zones.