Unregulated Periodical Conditioning

This small sided soccer game focuses on developing soccer specific endurance, speed of play and possession. This small sided soccer game also develops the players' cognitive abilities, cooperation, reaction and transition.

Published: 07.03.2012.
Last updated:
Category: Soccer Drills - Small Sided Soccer Games
Hits: 8791
Age Age: 14 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Reduced
Keeper Keeper: 0
Players Players: 10
Individual + Team Team


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Cones are used to mark a square and a smaller one in it as shown. The size of the area must be adequate to the players' age group, their technical skills and the set aim. 10 players are involved in this exercise. Three players are placed into the smaller area against one opponent. In the bigger area there are 6 players. Players and positions are changed periodically. One exercise cannot be longer than 2 min. but when needed it can be much shorter.

Description and Graphics

The load of this soccer drill is unregulated because the transition and the possession is determined by the players and the time they maintain the posession in 3v1 and 6v3 situations. Coach must take care of avoiding extra load: for example, in case the defender in the middle in 3v1 cannot touch the ball and the 3 players can keep the possession for a long time the defender suffers too much load. Then the coach must give a sign to switch possession and gives a ball to the 6 other attackers; 3 attackers in the middle switch to defending and one defender gets a resting period in the middle.

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In case of an older age group or at senior level the defender in the middle in the 3v1 situatuion can get a possessing role and create a 7v3 game after winning the ball.

Coaching points

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Set up

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