Fun Dribbling Game
This soccer dribbling drill focuses on developing dribbling, close control, vision and speed.
Cones are used to mark two equal squares as shown.
Distances must be adequate to the age group and the number of the players.
Split the team into two groups and identify them with different colors.
In this soccer drill every player needs a ball.
Description and Graphics
Number all players in both teams.
In this example there are 5-5 players in the groups.
At the coach's signal the players start dribble in the two areas.
The coach calls a number and the named player leaves his ball and tries to catch an opponent on the other side as quick as possible.
Runaway players have to run with their balls.
When the catcher touches a player he returns and continues dribbling.
There are two variations.
- Variation 1: The players guide the balls with their hands.
- Variation 2: The players dribble the ball with their feet.