Competitive Finishing
In this finishing exercise the emphasis is laid on developing reaction ability, agility, speed and finishing skills under pressure.

Players work in pairs, they change positions and roles after every completed exercise.
Two cones are placed in angle to the line of the penalty-box as shown. One stick is placed in front of the two starting positions.
Four pairs of different colored cones are placed in front of the penalty area and the same colored ones are in equal distances from the sticks.
Distances must be adequate to the given age-group.
Description and Graphics
Players in pairs compete against each other with the help of their server players.
By the starting whistle the players in position A throw the ball to their team-mates to both sides of the stick as quickly as they can. The players in position B ask the ball at first in the left-or right side of the stick then the other. Players in position B have to hit back the thrown ball to the hands of their servers so quick and fast as they can. After passing back the second ball the players in position B turn and accelerate towards the cones.
The coach gives a sign to the players which cones they have to bypass then they sprint to the ball in front of the box.
The faster player tries to score a goal against the keeper.
The slower player has to win the ball or block the attacker's shoot
In this soccer fiinishing exercise there are two variations.
In the first, the coach gives a sign to the players by calling the colors of the cones.
In the second variation the coach gives a sign to the players by lifting up the cones with the required color.

Coaching points

Set up


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