Soccer Specific Endurance With Shooting
This high-intensity, competitive soccer finishing exercise focuses on speed endurance, anaerobic capacity.
The progression also helps develop shooting and finishing skills in and around the penalty area.
Cones are used to mark an approximately 40x40 meters playing area.
Small goals are placed on the sidelines, and two normal sized goals are on the baselines as shown.
Set up two mannequins in front of the small goals.
Two goalkeepers are necessary but the tasks can be executed by three keepers as well if we change them continuously.
Players work in pairs, and they change their roles and positions continuously.
Players should perform the exercises from both sides and to both directions at start.
Description and Graphics
The pair in Position 'A' work in the area with full intensity. They perform dribbling movements, shots on goals (to small goals and normal goals too), and they face each other in a 1v1 situation at the end of the progression.
The movements and required patterns of dribbling can be varied but the instruction and introduction must be clear before players start their movements.
The exercise starts at the coach sign.