Zig-Zag Movements - Finishing - Transition
This finishing exercise focuses on developing ball control, finishing under pressure and transition.

Three goals are placed as shown.
Cones are used to mark players' starting positions according to their colors.
Sticks or mannequins are placed as shown to mark players' dribbling and running patterns.
Distances must be considered and created adequately to the given age-group and the players' abilities.
In this soccer finishing drill players change their positions periodically.
Description and Graphics
Attackers are placed to Position A and defenders are placed to Position D.
Two attackers hold a ball and to the sign of the coach they begin the finishing exercise by dribbling the ball in a zig-zag pattern at the same time.
Defenders can sprint as soon as attackers reach the first stick. Attackers try to finish the actions to the same sided goals as shown under the pressure of their defenders. Defenders try to block the shots of the attackers or win the ball.
After the attackers finish their action coach serves a ball to one of the defenders. They try to score a goal into the opposite goal in a 2v2 situation. Attackers have to switchover and try to prevent the goal or win the ball.

Coaching points

Set up


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