Acceleration vs. Submax Speed
This competitive speed exercise focuses on developing the complex speed of players.
The emphasis is also laid on reaction ability, acceleration, agility, pace and competitiveness.
Cones are used to mark the position of the players and the sticks are placed as shown.
Players work in pairs and they change their roles after each performed exercise.
The distances of the cones and the sticks must be laid out in accordance with the given age-group.
This exercise must be executed after an accurate and intensive warm up of very good quality.
Description and Graphics
Players stand at their starting points in a determined body position, as shown.
The coach stands between the red and yellow small gates.
For the coach's sign both players start to sprint towards the sticks. By giving a colour (yellow or red), the coach also determines that, in which direction the players must choose.
Player in position A must turn around the stick in the middle (yellow). Player in Position B bypasses the same stick as shown.Players must run through the line of the called colored gate.