Agility - Speed - Finishing

This soccer drill places emphasis on training the reaction, agility, speed and focuses on improving basic technique skills in different ways.

Published: 08.02.2017.
Last updated: 21.09.2020.
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Speed Training
Hits: 2252
Age Age: 12 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Quarter
Keeper Keeper: 2,3,4
Players Players: 14 - 18
Individual + Team Team


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Players, cones, balls and the stick on the middle are arranged as shown. 
Small cones are used to create two areas on both sides of the playing field, which are divided into four equal squares.
Distances must be considered and created adequate to the given age-group.
Place two goalkeepers into the goals and name two teams, which can be identified with different colours.
The players are located in A-B-C-D positions and they change in alphabetical order continuously.
In A and C positions three different colored cones are placed as shown. The coach calls two of these coloures when he starts the action. The A and C positions are changed periodically, so the direction of performing also changes.
The players of positions D (4-4) are located in the two squares, as shown. Since in these positions there are more players (4-4), before the first action the coach determines the order by numbering, so the players know that, who must go to the positions A. Of course it becomes automatic, when the process goes on and the players arrive from positions C continuously.
All the players in D holds a ball, since they dribble the ball back and forth during the action in their own area.
This soccer speed exercise is a competitive one, the players compete with each other in pairs.
This soccer speed drill must be executed after an accurate and intensive warm up.

Description and Graphics

The exercise always starts for the coach's sign. When he calls two colours, both players from position A react and move dynamically to the colour cones, then run through the areas in a zig-zag way among the players who dribble the ball in a moderate intensity. (These players can dribble the ball with different techniques or perform ball lifting, etc.) When they leave the areas, move towards the players in C, get a ball in the air and knock it back by head or foot (the coach determines). After that they turn, sprint to the stick, pass it round and move toward the players in positions B, who serve the ball and defend passively between the cones. Both players make a feint, then shoot on goal after a few meters dribbling.
Then the soccer drill continues the same way.

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Coaching points

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Set up

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