Complex Functional Speed Exercise
This complex soccer drill emphasizes developing functional speed and game specific technique.
Players and cones are arranged as shown.
Distances of the cones are approximately 6 meters. (Distances must be adequate to the age group)
Two server players (B and C) are placed as shown with balls.
Server players must be changed periodically.
Description and Graphics
Player A stands on the line of the cones. He gets a thrown ball from the server player (B) in front of him. Player A has to head the ball back to the arms of the server. After reaching the ground as quickly as possible player A sprints towards the cone next to him and turns around the cone to accelerate towards the other server player (C). Player C gives a lobbed ball to Player A who has to receive it and dribbles towards the diagonally placed cone as quickly as possible.
- Vary the techniques of receivings