Reaction-Agility-Pace-Functional Technique 2

This complex soccer drill focuses on developing reaction ability, pace, agility, dribbling and turning with the ball. 
The emphasis is also laid on the functional passing - shooting technique and vision.

Published: 24.02.2014.
Last updated:
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Speed Training
Hits: 8682
Age Age: 10 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Quarter
Keeper Keeper: 0
Players Players: 8 - 18
Individual + Team Team


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Four cones of different colours are used to mark two squares of the same size. The sequence of the 4-4 cones is different.
Two pairs of sticks (two different colors as shown) and two goals are also placed in front as shown.
Two goalkeepers are involved in this soccer exercise.
Distances of the cones, the sticks and the goals must be considered carefully as regards the given age-group and the planned aim.
The coach stands in the middle and holds 2 cones of the same color as the sticks.
This soccer speed exercise is a competitive one.
Players change their positions in alphabetical order.

Description and Graphics

Players start this soccer speed exercise by placing themselves in the first square. Coach gives a command to start by calling two colors. Players must turn around these two cones in the given order without the ball in the first square and accelerate towards the ball in the second square where players turn around the two cones with the ball in the called order but in a different way as the sequence of the markers is different there. After turning at the last cone players accelerate towards the sticks with ball. Coach lifts up a cone which is a sign to players in Position B. When coach lifts up a red cone players have to make a wall pass around the red stick as quickly as they can. When coach lifts the yellow cone players have to make the wall pass around the yellow stick. Players in position B have to position themselves to the correct angle and place to be able to perform the wall pass correctly and fast. After the combination player A shoots on goal.

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Coaching points

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Set up

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