Speed Race in Pairs - Reaction and Functional Technique 3
This soccer speed exercise focuses on developing reaction ability, pace, dribbling at speed and kicking technique.
Four different colored cones are placed to mark an approximately 12x12 meters square. Distances must be considered and created adequate to the given age-group. The same four colors as the markers of the square are placed in front of the coach and two other cones are in his hands. Cones in the hand are same coloured as the vests of the players.
Two goals are placed in front of each other as shown. Goal lines are 12-14 meters away from the square's sideline.
Two keepers are involved in this soccer speed exercise. Players work in pairs and they are identified with different colored vests.
Balls are placed next to the cones as shown.
Description and Graphics
The coach starts the soccer speed drill by giving commands to the players.
One pair is in the middle. The coach lifts a cone with his hand and steps next to one in front on the ground. That means the same colored player as the cone in the hand must run to that cone which is signed by the foot of the coach. The other has to react and sprint to the other direction diagonally.
Different technical exercises after reaching the balls are determined and changed periodically.
One pair gets two commands and they go to have a rest.