Speed Race in Pairs - Reaction and Functional Technique 4

In this soccer speed exercise the emphasis is laid on developing reaction ability, pace, agility, passing and receiving techniques.

Published: 31.03.2014.
Last updated:
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Speed Training
Hits: 2948
Age Age: 12 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Reduced
Keeper Keeper: 0
Players Players: 4 - 16
Individual + Team Individual+Team


Players work in pairs and they are identified with different colors.
4 different colored cones are used to mark an approximately 10x10 meters square. 2 portable goals and 4 kick-boards are also used in this soccer drill.
Distances of the goals and kick-boards must be adequate to the age-group.
The exercise can be played with two competing pairs.
There is a ball placed next to each cone.
Players having a rest collect and replace the balls.
Players or pairs perform the exercise three times in a turn.


Description and Graphics

Identify players in pairs with different colors. Two identical colored cones are in the hand of the coach which are used to sign to the given player. Four cones of the same color as the square's are placed to the feet of the coach.

When the coach lifts a cone and steps to one of the cones in front it means the player in the called color must sprint to the cone signed by the foot.  The other player must sprint to the diagonally placed cone. Players pass the ball to the kick-board and receive it coming back from the wall.
After receiving the ball players have to pass it to one of the determined kick-boards. Coach determines which kick-board is the target after receiving the ball. Right or left side.
When players work in pairs the first player passes the ball to the kick-board, the other one receives the ball and delivers it to the given kick-board.

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Coaching points

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Set up

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