Team Warm Up with Ball Familiarity
This activity focuses on preparing the body for the higher intensity, improving the coordination, balance and cooperation.
The different variations also emphasizes developing the players' passing skills, making gentle contact and familiarizing the ball.
The exercise can be used in the the warm up phase fully or partly.
Players are split into two groups of five.
Six normal soccer balls are located in determined way. 1-1 are placed at the players' feet and 2-2 are between the cones as shown.
This exercise can be a lot of variations.
Description and Graphics
Players perform determined task over the small cones (knee lifting, sideway skipping, jumping with both feet, cross over steps, etc.) and they make different tasks with the balls between the small cones (the ball goes between two legs, or rolling the ball across the body with the sole of the foot with continuous changing, etc.).
The coach's role is important since he starts the exercise, and he always gives signal for the players to change during the tasks.