Build Attacks with 1v1 Situations on the Sides
These build-attacks emphasizes creating automatic instinct of tactical movements in 4-3-3 system, besides the variations help the wingers and full-backs to develop the attacking phase of 1v1 situations on the sides.

The exercise is illustrated in 4-3-3 or 4-1-4-1 playing system, players are located according to the given system and formation. Of course the variations can be used in other formations, in which the wingers' and full-backs' offensive play (with 1v1) is an important role of the strategy.
In this exercise the wingers and full-backs are placed in one position on both sides, since they practice the attacking phase of 1v1.
Poles or mannequins are placed to draw the passing channels and stimulate the defenders' positions.
18-20 players must take part in the exercise about the optimal execution.
Two coaches or goalkeepers, or resting players as servers stand with balls in the corners of the penalty box, next to the defenders positions.
Players in the middle (center backs, holders, attacking midfielders) change in A-B-C positions after each action. They can also change the left - right sides after determined actions to play on both sides.
Thus, the center backs can also practice the passes and movements in higher positions (as midfielders), but of course the coach can decide to keep them behind.
The center forwards stay in their position, they practice the arriving in the goal area.
The wingers and full-backs change in A-B positions continuously on the sides. In the defender position they can move in width between the two cones.
Two variations can be seen.
Description and Graphics
The players must orientate and perceive the situation of the ball and if it's necessary they must speed up or slow down to get the ball in the right time.
The harmonization of movements and passes are also imperative, the players must perform the different situations like during the game.

Coaching points

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