Counter Attacks and Finishes - Defending against Fast Break

In this tactical exercise the main focus is on practicing of starting and completing a quick counterattack from the mid-zone in an overloaded environment.
In the defensive phase the objectives are defending and slowing down the attack in outnumbered situation and the fast retiring to block the goal scoring chances. In case of intercepting, the main goal is the fast depth play. 

Published: 24.11.2022.
Last updated:
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Tactics
Hits: 671
Age Age: 16 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 3
Space Space: Entire Field
Keeper Keeper: 1,2
Players Players: 10 - 20
Individual + Team Team


The game is actually played on one half of the pitch.
Mark an area with the normal sized goal on the baseline and with 4 small goals on the opposite side as shown. 
Split the players into two teams and identify them with different colors. 
Put a goalkeeper in the normal sized goal.
The players are placed in a specific way, 5 attackers and 2 defenders are in the area, and more 3 defenders are standing on the halfway line next to the big cones, these are their starting points.
The coach's position with balls is between two small goals in the middle.
The resting players are standing and waiting behind the halfway line. 
Of course the game can be played in higher or deeper area, it depends on where the coach wants to practice the counter attack and the defending.  
In case of other number of players, the organizational conditions also change.  

Description and Graphics

The coach playing the ball to one of the attackers into the area and the quick counterattack begins.
At the time of the pass, the three other defenders can also start running from their positions behind.
The attackers try to run and finish the action fast in over-numbered situation, and they have to scan the retiring defenders, who sprint back to block the attack and intercept the ball.
Some possible situations can be seen in the example exercise.

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Coaching points

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Set up

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