Defensive Movements of the Midfielders in 4-1-4-1 Formation - Counter Attack

The main goal of this soccer game is to develop the organized defensive movements of the four midfielders and the holding midfielder in 4-1-4-1, supporting, shifting and closing down the deep passing channels. 
Besides, the exercise emphasizes improving the switching to attack after winning the ball, and help practicing the first phase of the counter attack.

Published: 25.11.2020.
Last updated: 13.11.2022.
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Tactics
Hits: 1682
Age Age: 14 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 4
Space Space: Half Field
Keeper Keeper: 1,2
Players Players: 12 - 18
Individual + Team Team


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Cones are used to create an approximately 30-35x45-50 meters playing field.
Two small goals are placed on one baseline and a normal sized goal is on the other one as shown.
A red and a blue team play against each other, now the red is the practicing team. 
Mark five zones in the pitch in which the players are located according to their positions.
The size of the area and the zones should be created according to the given age-group and the players' abilities.

Description and Graphics

Zones of the defending (red) team:

Lone Striker: He doesn't press the opponents, he can only move in his own zone, but he always has to follow the movement of the ball in width, in order to be playable immediately by a deep pass when his team mates intercept the ball. 

Midfielders: During the defending they can only move in their zone. The midfielders try to close the deep pass by continuous movements, split and switch in depth according to the opponents' actions and the position of the ball. When the blue midfielders perform a successful deep pass to the strikers, the red players have to put pressure on the ball to avoid getting a goal. In this case they can leave their zone. If the red midfielders intercept the ball, they can start a fast counter attack with the help of the lone striker. 

Holding Midfielder: He can only move in his own zone, but he always has to follow the movements of the ball and his teammates in width, besides he tries to create a cover shadow for the opponent strikers behind him. In case of successful deep pass of the opponents he has to put pressure on the ball to avoid getting a goal. He can also leave his zone.

Zones of the attacking (blue) team:

Midfielders: They can move in their own zone. They try to circulate the ball with speed and play fast in width to make move the opponents, meanwhile they follow their strikers' movement behind the defenders to be able to perform accurate deep pass in the right time. 

Centre Forwards: They can only move in their zone, they follow the movement of the ball in width, in order to be playable immediately by a deep pass. When the strikers get the ball, they try to score to one of the small goals as fast as they can.

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