Diagonal Positioning and Movements of Three Inside Midfielders

This soccer game emphasizes innervating the diagonal positioning, the triangle play and the harmony of the three inside midfielders.
The outnumbered soccer game also aims to practise the correct angles and timing of supporting movements, helps to build up the possession and develop the players' cooperation while combining.

Published: 21.05.2014.
Last updated:
Category: Soccer Drills - Soccer Tactics
Hits: 5917
Age Age: 14 - 20+
Difficulty Difficulty: 5
Space Space: Half Field
Keeper Keeper: 2
Players Players: 17 - 20
Individual + Team Team


Cones are used to mark an approximately 40-50x25-30 meters playing field. There are three areas as shown.
The middle area is divided into 8 equal squares to help the midfielders to harmonize their diagonal supporting movements, the optimal distances and angles between them.

Two teams (red and blue) and three inside midfielders as neutral players (white) are identified with different colours.
The neutral players are always with the team in possession.
Both team have a defending area where 4 defenders and an offensive area where 3 attackers are located.
The defenders and attackers can only play in their own areas.
The neutral midfielders position themselves in the middle.

The exercise is illustrated in 4-3-3 playing system, players are located according to the given system and formation.

Goalkeepers also take part in the game, they are the target players, who are located behind the opponent team's defending area.
It means 1 point when the field-players play the ball to their goalkeeper after combination play.

Description and Graphics

The game always starts by the coach playing the ball to one of the defenders.

One of the neutral midfielders can move back to the possessors' defending area to help the defenders in possession and building of attacks.
So a 5v3 game usually evolves here.
After the ball gets to the middle zone the three neutral midfielders can combine with each other then play one of the attackers in the offensive area.
Midfielders can change position, play one-two touches while combining but they care for the diagonal positioning, the distances and creating triangles.
Of course a neutral midfielder can also accelerate with the ball and break into the offensive area.
Two of the three neutral players can move into the offensive area, so 5v4 game situations evolve against the 4 defenders.

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