Building Up the Play in 4-4-2 against 3-5-2 System and Finishing the Attacks From the Flanks (Free)
This training session focuses on improving the offensive play and helps practice different attacking variations and movements in 4-4-2 against 3-5-2 system.
The tasks also emphasize developing the possession in over-numbered environment and creating 2v1 situations on the wings at game specific speed.
Warm up
Players perform athletic movements, different basic exercises with balls and stretching to prepare for the training's main part.
Exercise 1:
Creating Supporting Angles 3
This soccer passing drill emphasises practising wall passing in different angles and directions. This soccer exercise also focuses on innervating supporting movements without ball and one touch passing.
Sticks or mannequins and players are arranged as shown. Sticks are about 10-12 meters apart.
Draw an approximately 5x5 meters box with four sticks or mannequins as shown.
Players work with one ball and change position in alphabetical order.
The passing drill is performed to both directions.
Description and Graphics
Player A starts the soccer passing drill with dribbling (1) through the line of the cones in front. Player B opens space behind the stick and asks for a ball from Player A who delivers it in a sharp way (2). Player B knocks the ball back (3) and performs a quick wall pass with Player A (4).
After these combinations 2 different variations are performed in the "box".

Variation 1: Player A starts the soccer passing drill with dribbling (1) through the line of the cones in front. Player B opens space behind the mannequin and asks for a ball from Player A who delivers it in a sharp way (2). Player B knocks the ball back (3) and performs a quick wall pass with Player A (4). Player B dribbles (5) towards Player E who asks for the ball from Player B (6) in front of the "box" to be able to step inside (7). Player E passes (8) to Player D and asks for the ball back (9) to perform a sharp pass to Player C (10) playing out the mannequin with a wall pass directly (11). Player E receives the ball and dribbles (12) out from the "box", then passes (13) to the Player in Position A. The progression continues the same way.

Variation 2: Player A starts the soccer passing drill with dribbling (1) through the line of the cones in front. Player B opens space behind the mannequin and asks for a ball from Player A who delivers it in a sharp way (2). Player B knocks the ball back (3) and performs a quick wall pass with Player A (4). Player B dribbles (5) towards Player E who asks for the ball from Player B (6) in front of the "box" to be able to perform a wall pass with Player C (7-8). Player E passes (9) to Player D and asks for the ball back (10), then he makes a wall pass with Player C (11-12) playing out the mannequin. Player E receives the ball, dribbles (13) out from the "box" and passes (14) to the Player in Position A. The progression continues the same way.
Coaching points
- Creating correct supporting angles
- Help players' orientation with communication in the early stage
- Accuracy of passing is imperative
- Quick reactions
- Keep the ball on the ground
- Changing pace with and without the ball
- Use both feet to pass the ball
- Heads up form the ball
- Stop the exercise and correct mistakes when needed
- Take care of extra balls
Set up
Time: 10 - 20
- Small Cones: 5
- Mannequins: 6
Exercise 2:
Attacking Variations in 4-4-2 Formation against 3-5-2 and Finishing from Crosses
This soccer drill focuses on developing the build-up play and practising different attacking variations in 4-4-2 formation.
The variations also emphasize creating 2v1 situations on the wings and finishing from the flanks.
10 mannequins or sticks are placed to sign the opponent's positions according to the defending phase of 3-5-2 formation (5-3-2). Two yellow mannequins are also located on the sides, which mark the opponent midfielders' position when the ball is on side and the players shift in width.
The attacking players are located in the offensive formation of 4-4-2 system (4-2-4).
The different variations are performed on both sides by turns.
Three variations can be seen.

Attacking Variations in 4-4-2 Formation against 3-5-2 and Finishing from the Flanks. Two yellow mannequins are also located on the sides, which mark the opponent midfielders' position when the ball is on side and the players shift in width.
Coaching points
- Instructions and explanations have to come before the exercises
- Accuracy and weight of passes and crossings are vital
- Timing and correct angles of passes and runs
- Try to find the best harmony and rhythm of the cooperation
- The overlappings and supporting movements must be harmonized to the position of the ball
- Heads up from the ball while passing and creating passing channels
- Take care of the off-side situations
- Stop the exercise and correct mistakes when needed
- Change players' position who can play in more positions
- Finish the actions with a goal
Set up
Time: 20 - 25
- Mannequins: 12
Exercise 3:
8v8 and Two Neutral Midfielders
Developing the possession in overnumbered environment and practising creating 2v1 situations on the wings at game specific speed.
Create an approximately 68x70 meters area. Mark two zones on the sides of the field as shown.
Split the team into two of eight players and identify two other neutral players.
Players must be located according to the 3-5-2 and 4-4-2 playing system.
The neutral players are in central midfielder positions.
Put a goalkeeper in each goal.
Description and Graphics
The game is actually 10v8 with the neutral players, since they always help the team in possession, so the players can build the attacks in overnumbered environment.
The practicing team plays in 4-4-2 where the two neutrals play in the positions of the central midfielders.
The formation of the other team is 3-5-2 and here the neutral players are also central midfielders.The team in possession plays with accurate combinations and takes the advantage of the overnumbered environment. When it's possible, they get the ball to the sides and try to finish the attacks from the flanks. The players cannot force the play on the wings in every situation, they have to create the chance by combination play. If the situation isn't right, they keep the ball with short, accurate passes or finish the action in the middle.

The team in possession plays with accurate combinations and takes the advantage of the overnumbered environment. When it's possible, they get the ball to the sides and try to finish the attacks from the flanks.
Coaching points
- Formation specific arrangements of the players
- Speed of play
- Do not force the play on the wings in every situation
- Give the opportunity for players to make free decisions
- Take care of defending formations
- Timing and correct angles of passes and runs
- The overlappings and supporting movements must be harmonized to the position of the ball
- Place extra balls into the goals
Set up
- Small Cones: 20
- Bibs: 10
- Goals: 1
- Portable Goals: 1
Exercise 4:
10v8 Soccer Game
The game focuses on developing offensive play and practising the building attack in 4-4-2 formation against 3-5-2. This tactic game also emphasises creating 2v1 situations on the wings and finishing from flanks, besides develops the possession in overnumbered environment.
Create an approximately 68x70 meters area.
Two teams are identified with different colours.
The practicing team plays in 4-4-2 with 10 field-players, the formation of the defending team is 3-5-2, but they play without strikers 5-3/3-5, so the attacking team can play in overnumbered environment.
Put a goalkeeper in each goal.
Description and Graphics
The play is always started by the attacking team.
They combine with each other accurately and try to take the advantage of the overnumbered environment. When it's possible, they get the ball to the sides and try to finish the attacks from the flanks.
The players cannot force the play on the wings in every situation, they have to create the chance by combination play. If the situation isn't right, they keep the ball with short, accurate passes or finish the action in the middle.
The defending team doesn't put pressure on the attackers, they start defending on their own half. If they intercept the ball, they can perform a fast counter attack. In this case the attacking players have to make a counter pressing immediately.
The play is always restarted from the goalkeeper of the practicing team, there isn't throw-in or corner-kick.

The team in possession plays with accurate combinations and takes the advantage of the overnumbered environment. When it's possible, they get the ball to the sides and try to finish the attacks from the flanks.
Coaching points
- Formation specific arrangements of the players
- Speed of play
- Do not force the play on the wings in every situation
- Give the opportunity for players to make free decisions
- Take care of defending formation
- Timing and correct angles of passes and runs
- The overlappings and supporting movements must be harmonized to the position of the ball
- Place extra balls into the goals
Set up
- Small Cones: 20
- Bibs: 8 - 10
- Goals: 1
- Portable Goals: 1
Cool Down
Cool down jogging, stretching.
Free Trial