Functional Technique - Initiative Attacking Attitude in 1v1
This soccer training program focuses on developing the functional dribbling and passing skills, the initiative attacking attitude and pace with and without the ball.
The session also helps to improve the finishes under pressure, the reaction ability and agility.
Age-group: U10-U19
Warm up
In the first part of the warm up, the players can perform different athletic movements and some technical tasks with ball.
The intensity must be increased gradually.
In the second part, they execute a fun game, which improves the dribbling, close control, vision and speed.
Split the team into two and identify them with different colors. Every player needs a ball.
Number all players in both teams.
Players start to dribble in their own zone.
Variation 1: Players perform different technical skills during dribbling the ball.
Variation 2: One team is determined as catcher the other is as runaway. The coach calls a number and the named player leaves his ball and tries to catch an opponent on the other side as quick as possible. Runaway players have to run with their balls. When the catcher touches a player he returns and continues dribbling. The exercise is ended when the last player catches an opponent.
Variation 3: Players from both teams go to catch an opponent.